2025 JETAASE Election Nominations

Do you want to make friends, stay connected to your time on JET and be involved in the Japan community in the Southeast? Now's your chance - become a JETAASE officer!

Anyone within our membership can run for office, you do not need to physically live in Atlanta where the consulate is located. Board meetings are held online monthly for approximately an hour. Training for each role is available by previous Board members!

We are asking for platforms of all interested candidates to be submitted by March 15th to president@jetaase.org If you’re interested in joining the JETAASE board, please submit a platform!

What we need from you

✅Less than 200 words statement telling: 

  1. Your self-introduction, including where and when you were on JET

  2. What you want to accomplish in your time as an office

✅Headshot if you’d like to share one

The following platforms are open:

💼 Vice President - The Vice President provides both leadership and follow-through on planned projects. The Vice President supports the President and the Board, remains current on chapter initiatives and projects, and facilitates the President’s role. 

 💰  Treasurer - The Treasurer manages the organization's money, keeps accurate records, and deposits funds in banks approved by the Board. They spend money as directed by the Board, keep receipts, and report on finances at regular meetings or whenever asked. The Treasurer also reviews financial policies with the Board.

🥳 Social Events Chair - The Social Chair (in possible conjunction with a Social Committee) plans approximately one event per quarter, such as Happy Hours, the Returnee Events, and Hanami parties. The Social Chair is responsible for maintaining the invite lists and determining how many members are planning to attend. The Social Chair works with the treasurer to make sure that everyone has paid for the event if there is a fee

📰Newsletter Editor – The Newsletter Editor compiles information from various sources and composes email newsletters to share the details of events and other resources with our membership. The Newsletter Editor collaborates with the rest of the Board to ensure information is disseminated in a timely manner. Newsletters should be composed at least quarterly. No previous experience with Constant Contact necessary

💻 Webmaster - The Webmaster plays a key role in JETAASE's online presence, managing the website's technical upkeep and content. This includes updating events, news, and resources, ensuring the site is user-friendly, accessible, and effectively facilitates communication among members. We welcome all applicants, regardless of their technical background! Experience with Squarespace, WordPress, HTML, or SEO is a plus, but a desire to learn is what's most important

🐻 Alabama Subchapter Representative(s) - The Alabama Subchapter Representative serves as the primary point of contact for JETAASE members in Alabama. They are responsible for planning and implementing at least one activity in the specific geographic area of Alabama, communicate regularly with Alabama members and the JETAASE Board, and participate in JETAASE Board leadership activities, including monthly meetings. The Representative also submits timely requests for reimbursement of approved expenditures and provides information for required activity reports.

🌴 South Carolina Subchapter Representative(s) - The South Carolina Subchapter Representative is the main point of contact for JETAASE members in South Carolina. They are responsible for planning and implementing at least one activity in the specific geographic area of South Carolina, communicating with South Carolina members and the JETAASE Board, and participating in JETAASE Board leadership activities, such as monthly meetings. This role also includes submitting timely reimbursement requests for approved expenses and providing information for activity reports as needed.

🌲 North Carolina Subchapter Representative(s) - The North Carolina Subchapter Representative serves as the key contact for JETAASE members in North Carolina. They are responsible for planning and implementing at least one activity in the specific geographic area of North Carolina, maintain communication with North Carolina members and the JETAASE Board, and participate in JETAASE Board leadership activities, including monthly meetings. The Representative also handles timely reimbursement requests for approved expenditures and submits information for required activity reports.

 👑 Charlotte Subchapter Representative(s) - The Charlotte Subchapter Representative is the primary point of contact for JETAASE members in the Charlotte area. They are responsible for planning and implementing at least one activity in the specific geographic area of Charlotte, communicate regularly with Charlotte members and the JETAASE Board, and participate in JETAASE Board leadership activities, including monthly meetings. This role also involves submitting timely requests for reimbursement for approved expenses and providing information for activity reports.


March 1st - 15th: Self nominations

March 16th - 20th: Voting Period

March 21st: Announcement of new board members

2024 JETAASE Election Nominations 🗳️

Do you want to make friends, stay connected to your time on JET and be involved in the Japan community in the Southeast? Now's your chance - become a JETAASE officer!

Anyone within our membership can run for office, you do not need to physically live in Atlanta where the consulate is located. Board meetings are held online monthly for approximately an hour. Training for each role is available by previous Board members!

We are asking for platforms of all interested candidates to be submitted by February 27th to webmaster@jetaase.org. If you’re interested in joining the JETAASE board, please submit a platform!

What we need from you

✅Less than 200 words statement telling: 

  1. Your self-introduction, including where and when you were on JET

  2. What you want to accomplish in your time as an office

✅Headshot if you’d like to share one

The following positions are open

🎩President – The President shall be the chief executive officer of JETAASE, shall have general and active management of the operations of JETAASE, and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the board are carried into effect. If there shall be no Chairman of the Board, the President shall preside at all meetings of the board.

💼Vice President – The Vice President provides both leadership and follow-through on planned projects. The Vice President supports the President and the Board, remains current on chapter initiatives and projects, and facilitates the President’s role. 

📝Secretary – The Secretary records the minutes for all meetings with the Board and ensures the meetings are stored and shared appropriately. The Secretary archives and documents JETAASE information at all levels. The Secretary collaborates with the Social Media Chair and Webmaster to provide public relations support in chapter communications and represents the chapter at public events.

🥳Social (Events) Chair - The Social Chair (in possible conjunction with a Social Committee) plans approximately one event per month, such as Happy Hours, the Returnee Events, and Hanami parties. The Social Chair is responsible for maintaining the invite lists and determining how many members are planning to attend. The Social Chair works with the treasurer to make sure that everyone has paid for the event if there is a fee.

📰Newsletter Editor – The Newsletter Editor compiles information from various sources and composes email newsletters to share the details of events and other resources with our membership. The Newsletter Editor collaborates with the rest of the Board to ensure information is disseminated in a timely manner. Newsletters should be composed at least quarterly. No previous experience with Constant Contact necessary.

🌼Alabama Sub-Chapter Representative(s) - Serve as the regional representative for JETAASE in Alabama and point of contact. Help plan local events and activities for the region.


March 1st: Self-nominations due

March 4th - March 7th: Voting period in which ballots may be submitted

March 8th: Announcement of new officers

Homestay Hosts for Japanese University Students

Kennesaw State University will be hosting a group of students from Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS) from February 10th to March 2nd, 2024. Homestay hosts are needed for the length of their program!!


The homestay host provides a place to stay, of course, but also gives the student a glimpse into “regular US life.” Hosts can be families, singles, couples . . . all types of hosts are welcome.


The responsibilities of the hosts are:

  • Pickup student at KSU Center on Saturday evening, February 10, 2024. Drop-off student at KSU for departure on Saturday, March 2, 2024.

  • Provide a (private, furnished) bedroom and (private or shared) bathroom during the length of the program.

  • Provide access to wifi, utilities, kitchen, and laundry facilities.

  • Provide transportation to and from the Kennesaw campus Monday-Friday for 3 weeks. Classes begin at 8:30am, and are usually finished by 2:30; however, students can stay on campus until the workday is through to be picked up.

  • Provide breakfast (continental – cereal, toast, tea, etc is fine) every day and dinner every weeknight. Lunch is provided on campus on weekdays, and lunch and dinner on weekends is on their own. It would be helpful if you could take the student to the grocery store once or twice so they could purchase food for these days. On both weekends of the program, students will have optional activities on Saturday.

  • In general, provide a welcoming atmosphere for the student. They want to feel at home and want to know about you and your life, and they want to share their own life with you!

  • Hosts will be paid a $900 stipend.


It is possible to host more than one student. This is actually encouraged as these students might be a little nervous and shy at first. The only stipulation is that bedrooms cannot be shared, and male and female students will not be housed together.


If you are interested in hosting or have any further questions, please reach out to Jennifer Hosier, director of Intensive English Program at Kennesaw State University with details provided below.

Jennifer L. Hoosier

p: 470-578-2214
e: jhoosier@kennesaw.edu

Japan Fest 2023 - Call for Volunteers!

The time is quickly approaching for Japan Fest 2023! We are in need of volunteers who would man the JET Program booth from set-up on September 16th through tear-down on September 18th.

If you are interested in volunteering for Japan Fest please follow the link below to access the schedule and enter your availability. We need all responses by Friday, September 1st, 2023.


2023 Elections - Cast Your Ballot

Nominations are in!

The voting period for open JETAASE officer positions runs through March 15, 2023.

Submit your vote here!

Election results will be announced on March 16, 2023 and posted in a newsletter and on the JETAA Southeast website.

Secretary: Tsehay Wright

My name is Tsehay Wright and as a former JET participant who had the privilege of living and working as an ALT in Nagano-ken from 2015 to 2017, it is with great excitement that I announce my candidacy for the position of Secretary of JETAASE. The JET Program was, and is, such a major, positive life experience for me that I am passionate about supporting and giving back to the JET community.

I am a skilled note-taker and have proven my ability to record accurate and thorough minutes at meetings in my current workplace. As Secretary, I am committed to ensuring that all meetings with the Board and the valuable work of our organization is captured and preserved appropriately.

I look forward to collaborating closely with the Social Media Chair and Webmaster to provide effective public relations support for our chapter's communications. In addition, I am excited to represent our chapter at public events and continue to build connections and opportunities for our members.

Thank you for considering my nomination for this important position. I am committed to serving as a passionate advocate for JETAASE and advancing our shared goals.

Tsehay Wright – ALT

Iijima Town, Nagano Prefecture

July 2015 – August 2017

Social Events Chair: Theresa Kanter

Hello, JETAA-SE community! My name is Theresa Kanter and I would like to serve as the Social Chair for our JETAA-SE alumni! My JET assignment from 1998-2001 was in Wakayama Prefecture's Hashimoto City, a crossroads of JR and Nankai train lines which afforded great rail and road trips throughout Kansai and across Honshu. I love to bring people together, exploring new restaurants, trying new events, and I love trying out washoku and yoshoku recipes. While I stepped away from JETAA-SE involvement for a few years, I enjoyed meeting ex-JETs in the foreign service and hosting nabe nights in Ethiopia and Liberia.

If voted to be the Social Chair, I’d love to learn what types of events worked recently for our JETAA-SE community, and what events could we add to the calendar. I’m more than 20 years from my JET experience, but it was an indelible experience, so I’d love to find a way to connect with JET alumni regardless of when they were in Japan. The community of people who appreciate Japan in the Southeast is also evolving, so would welcome thinking about how to connect with new potential friends of JET in social settings. よろしく!

2023 Board Officer Elections

Do you want to make friends, stay connected to your time on JET and be involved in the Japanese community in the Southeast? Now's your chance - become a JETAASE officer!

Anyone within our membership can run for office, you do not have to physically live in Atlanta where the consulate is located. Board meetings are held online monthly for approximately an hour. Training for each role is available by previous Board members! We are asking for platforms of all interested candidates to be submitted by February 27th to info@jetaase.org. If you’re interested in joining the JETAASE board, please submit a platform!

What we need:

  • Less than 200 words

  • Self-introduction, including where and when you were on JET

  • What you want to accomplish in your time as an officer

  • Headshot if you’d like to share one

The following positions are open:

President – The President shall be the chief executive officer of JETAASE, shall have general and active management of the operations of JETAASE, and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the board are carried into effect. If there shall be no Chairman of the Board, the President shall preside at all meetings of the board.

Secretary – The Secretary records the minutes for all meetings with the Board and ensures the meetings are stored and shared appropriately. The Secretary archives and documents JETAASE information at all levels. The Secretary collaborates with the Social Media Chair and Webmaster to provide public relations support in chapter communications and represents the chapter at public events.

Social (Events) Chair – The Social Chair (in possible conjunction with a Social Committee) plans approximately one event per month, such as Happy Hours, the Returnee Events, and Hanami parties. The Social Chair is responsible for maintaining the invite lists and determining how many members are planning to attend. The Social Chair works with the treasurer to make sure that everyone has paid for the event if there is a fee.

Social Media Chair – The Social Media Chair manages our external presence on our social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The Social Media Chair creates and promotes events on all platforms including Zoom, and issues timely reminders. The Social Media Chair designs infographics to be used on all communications, collaborating with the Newsletter Editor and Webmaster.

Newsletter Editor – The Newsletter Editor compiles information from various sources and composes email newsletters to share the details of events and other resources with our membership. The Newsletter Editor collaborates with the rest of the Board to ensure information is disseminated in a timely manner. Newsletters should be composed at least quarterly. No previous experience with Constant Contact necessary.

Webmaster – The Webmaster manages our external communications and our strong online presence. The Webmaster keeps content up to date on the website and posts content to the website, such as job descriptions and events for the calendar. The Webmaster maintains and organizes the officer-accessible documents and resources, and manages the shared email account, responding to all inquiries. The Webmaster collaborates with the Social Media chair and Newsletter Editor on communications to members, infographics, membership lists, and surveys. Previous experience with Google Drive, and website design (Squarespace) is not required.

Alabama Sub-Chapter Representative(s) - Serve as the regional representative for JETAASE in Alabama and point of contact. Help plan local events and activities for the region.


  • February 27th: Self-nominations due.

  • February 28th - March 5th: Voting period in which ballots may be submitted.

  • March 6: Announcement of new officers

2023 New Year Planning Meeting

JETAASE members and friends, join us for our annual New Year Planning Meeting on February 25, 2023, at 5:30 PM CST / 6:30 PM EST. (This event will be held virtually on Zoom)

Registration is free with a cost-share meal!

Cost-Share Requirements: 

Spend over $25 and we’ll cost-share the meal by $15. Keep your receipts! 

We are excited to ring in the new year with you!

Deadline to register is February 23rd.

Come learn about JETAASE and network with fellow alumni. We'll also share ideas for the upcoming year ahead.

Click here for more information and to RSVP

Questions? Email us at info@jetaase.org

JETAASE Officer Elections - Nominations

Do you want to make friends, stay connected to your time on JET and be involved in the Japanese community in the Southeast? Now's your chance - become a JETAASE officer!

Anyone within our membership can run for office, you do not have to physically live in Atlanta where the consulate is located. Board meetings are held online monthly for approximately an hour. Training for each role is available by previous Board members! We are asking for platforms of all interested candidates to be submitted by February 11th to info@jetaase.org. If you’re interested in joining the JETAASE board, please submit a platform!

What we need:

  • Less than 200 words

  • Self-introduction, including where and when you were on JET

  • What you want to accomplish in your time as an officer

  • Headshot if you’d like to share one

The following positions are open:

President – The President shall be the chief executive officer of JETAASE, shall have general and active management of the operations of JETAASE, and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the board are carried into effect. If there shall be no Chairman of the Board, the President shall preside at all meetings of the board.

Secretary – The Secretary records the minutes for all meetings with the Board and ensures the meetings are stored and shared appropriately. The Secretary archives and documents JETAASE information at all levels. The Secretary collaborates with the Social Media Chair and Webmaster to provide public relations support in chapter communications and represents the chapter at public events.

Social (Events) Chair – The Social Chair (in possible conjunction with a Social Committee) plans approximately one event per month, such as Happy Hours, the Returnee Events, and hanami parties. The Social Chair is responsible for maintaining the invite lists and determining how many members are planning to attend. The Social Chair works with the treasurer to make sure that everyone has paid for the event if there is a fee.

Social Media Chair – The Social Media Chair manages our external presence on our social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The Social Media Chair creates and promotes events on all platforms including Zoom, and issues timely reminders. The Social Media Chair designs infographics to be used on all communications, collaborating with the Newsletter Editor and Webmaster.

Newsletter Editor – The Newsletter Editor compiles information from various sources and composes email newsletters to share the details of events and other resources with our membership. The Newsletter Editor collaborates with the rest of the Board to ensure information is disseminated in a timely manner. Newsletters should be composed at least quarterly. No previous experience with Constant Contact necessary.

Webmaster – The Webmaster manages our external communications and our strong online presence. The Webmaster keeps content up to date on the website and posts content to the website, such as job descriptions and events for the calendar. The Webmaster maintains and organizes the officer-accessible documents and resources, and manages the shared email account, responding to all inquiries. The Webmaster collaborates with the Social Media chair and Newsletter Editor on communications to members, infographics, membership lists, and surveys. Previous experience with Google Drive, and website design (Squarespace) is not required.


February 11th: Self-nominations due.

February 12th - 21st: Voting period in which ballots may be submitted.

March 1: Announcement of new officers

2021 Elections: Call for Nominations

2021 Elections.png

Do you want to make friends, stay connected to your time on JET and be involved in the Japan community in the Southeast? Now's your chance - become a JETAASE officer!

Anyone within our membership can run for office, you do not need to physically live in Atlanta where the consulate is located. Board meetings are held online monthly for approximately an hour. Training for each role is available by previous Board members! We are asking for platforms of all interested candidates to be submitted by February 14 to info@jetaase.org. If you’re interested in joining the JETAASE board, please submit a platform!

What we need:

  • Less than 200 words

  • Self-introduction, including where and when you were on JET

  • What you want to accomplish in your time as an officer

  • Headshot if you’d like to share one

The following positions are open:

Vice President – The Vice President provides both leadership and follow-through on planned projects. The Vice President supports the President and the Board, remains current on chapter initiatives and projects, and facilitates the President’s role.

Secretary – The Secretary records the minutes for all meetings with the Board and ensures the meetings are stored and shared appropriately. The Secretary archives and documents JETAASE information at all levels. The Secretary collaborates with the Social Media Chair and Webmaster to provide public relations support in chapter communications and represents the chapter at public events.

Treasurer – The Treasurer plans the annual budget in conjunction with the Board. The Treasurer maintains and balances the bank account, collects receipts and writes checks for any chapter expenses, and deposits checks. The Treasurer oversees the Venmo account and reimbursements. The Treasurer requests funding and then submits the follow up reports and receipt submissions to CLAIR yearly.

Social Media Chair – The Social Media Chair manages our external presence on our social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The Social Media Chair creates and promotes events on all platforms including Zoom, and issues timely reminders. The Social Media Chair designs infographics to be used on all communications, collaborating with the Newsletter Editor and Webmaster.

Newsletter Editor – The Newsletter Editor compiles information from various sources and composes email newsletters to share the details of events and other resources with our membership. The Newsletter Editor collaborates with the rest of the Board to ensure information is disseminated in a timely manner. Newsletters should be composed at least quarterly. No previous experience with Constant Contact necessary.

Webmaster – The Webmaster manages our external communications and our strong online presence. The Webmaster keeps content up to date on the website and posts content to the website, such as job descriptions and events for the calendar. The Webmaster maintains and organizes the officer-accessible documents and resources, and manages the shared email account, responding to all inquiries. The Webmaster collaborates with the Social Media chair and Newsletter Editor on communications to members, infographics, membership lists, and surveys. Previous experience with Google Drive, and website design (Squarespace) is not required.

Tayō-sei: Japanese Language and Cultural Exchange Program

Tayō-sei is a virtual Japanese language and culture seminar series for Black and LatinX college students at schools across the four states served by the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program Alumni Association Southeast (JETAASE): Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina.

The free course provides an opportunity for students underrepresented in studying or working abroad in Japan, specifically for those from LatinX backgrounds and students of color, to develop an interest in studying and living abroad in Japan among cohort. This course will encourage them to consider Japan as an option in the trajectory of their lives.

This program is completely free and funded by a grant from the Japan Foundation, Los Angeles. 

Recognition of Completion:

At the end of the series, JETAASE and USJETAA will award students a certificate of completion. Each student will be mailed a printed certificate and a small assortment of Japanese sweets. To receive the final recognition, students must attend 3 of the 4 required classes and submit the final survey.


  • There will be four sessions total.

    1. The first three sessions will each have a different guest speaker and a Japanese lesson.

    2. The final session will be a final wrap reflection on what you've learning and providing resources on pursuing Japanese language, study abroad, or work after college.

Congrats to our first inaugural class of 2020!


Brooke Stoves
Helena, AL
Jefferson State Community College

Antonio Lara
Albertville, AL
Gadsden State Community College

Rachel Etheridge
Weaver, AL
Gadsden State Community College

Yulexi Plata
Birmingham, AL
University of Alabama at Birmingham


Jasmine Freeman
Savannah, GA
Savannah State University

Jordan Rowland
Snellville, GA
Georgia Gwinnett College

Erika Sorto
Norcross, GA
Oglethorpe University

Adverlyn Ivey-Waters
Culloden, GA
Columbus State University

North Carolina

Catherine Dean
Fayetteville, NC
North Carolina State University

Iman Breland
Elon, NC
Elon University

Destiny Calhoun
Fayetteville, NC
Fayetteville State University

Elena Bryant
Charlotte, NC
Queens University of Charlotte

South Carolina

Taryn Wallace
Aiken, SC
University of South Carolina, Aiken

Jorge Torres Villalva
Hilton Head, SC
Davidson College

Gage Andrews
Mount Pleasant, SC
Elon University

Program Organizers


Ingrid Galinat (formerly Ingrid Garcia) is a 3rd generation Mexican-American originally from Southern California. Ingrid was on the JET Program from 2000-2001 in Toyama Prefecture. In her time in Japan she developed a passion for working with international students. The last 20 years she has worked in international education with American students that want to study abroad and international students. Ingrid was a first generation college student that had no formal Japanese language training but wanted to live in Japan. Ingrid hopes to open the opportunity for other minority students to learn about Japan through the Tayo-Sei (Diversity) Grant.

Ingrid is the President of the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program Alumni Association of the Southeast, which encompasses Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Formerly she was the Assistant Director of International Programs in Alabama. She obtained an MS in International Relations from Troy University. Ingrid lives in Tuscaloosa, Alabama with her husband and three children.

Tim Edenfield is the current Vice President of the JET Alumni Association of the Southeast. Tim attended Georgia State University, majoring in Political Science and International Affairs, with a minor in Japanese. After graduation, he applied and was accepted to the JET Program. He spent three years, from 2011-2014, teaching English in a small beach town in Chiba prefecture, Japan. He taught primarily at junior high school as well as two elementary schools, a kindergarten, and adult classes at a community center.

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This was a very transformative experience and allowed him to develop teaching and intercultural skills, improve his Japanese language ability, and travel around Japan. Following JET, Tim completed his master’s degree at Georgia Tech in International Affairs. Since then, he has gained additional experience working in the field of international education at universities in the Atlanta area. He is passionate about helping others to achieve their personal and professional goals, especially internationally.

Japanese Teacher

Jess Brown lives Edinburgh, Scotland. Jess was born in England but moved to Edinburgh in 2005. Jess was on the JET Programme in Oita prefecture in Kyushu from 2000-2003 and stayed a further 2 years training to be a professional Taiko drummer and teaching English at a kindergarten and now runs an online Japanese Language business!


Guest Speakers

Ben Green - Saitama 97-99.JPG

Ben Green, a native of Columbia, SC, serves as President & COO of Insurance Advantage, an employee benefits agency he co-founded 10 years ago. Through Insurance Advantage, Ben and his business partners provide domestic & international companies, non-profits, governmental agencies, and individuals across South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia with expert advice on insurance and employee benefits. Ben has previously served as COO of a human resources staffing firm, and as Vice President of Asia & Europe for a software company.

Ben has extensive experience in economic development for South Carolina, and worked as a Project Manager and Business Recruiter for The SC Department of Commerce. In this role, he was responsible for recruiting investments including Hitachi, Home Depot, American Yuncheng, and Monster.com. He served as an Advisor for the SC Department of Commerce office in Japan, and in this role he hired an executive director and hosted the SC delegation that included Senator Leatherman & Governor Haley. Since Ben reopened the Japan office in 2012, South Carolina has received over $2.2 billion in investment from Japanese companies, making Japan the #1 foreign direct investor in South Carolina. Ben has extensive international experience and has lived in Japan, Brazil, & Spain. Ben worked as an Assistant Language Teacher in Saitama, Japan from 1997 – 1999.

 Ben has a B.A. in Finance from Morehouse College, and an International MBA from the University of South Carolina. He’s conversant in Japanese, Portuguese, & Spanish, and can read basic Italian and French.


Jennifer Garcia is a Miami native of Cuban heritage. As a Media Professional with a background in Asian Studies she has worked in Japan, Madrid, New York, and Miami. She has worked in international education, commercial production, marketing, and advertising. Jennifer's love of Asia goes back to her anime-watching days which led her down a path that included Japan as part of her higher education and career opportunities for 10 years with the help of several wonderful scholarships and programs. She still connects with people over a love of Asian culture and aspires to attend the rescheduled Tokyo Olympics in 2021.


Fernando Rojas currently serves as Program Manager at the Japan International Christian University Foundation (JICUF). Fernando oversees and manages the administration of JICUF grants and scholarships, as well as collaborates with staff at the International Christian University in Tokyo, Japan on other initiatives. Born and raised in New York City (with a brief stint in NJ), Fernando received his BA in Architecture from Columbia University. Upon graduating, he spent two years (2008-2010) living in Fukui prefecture and working as an Assistant Language Teacher at a junior high school while on the Japan Exchange and Teaching program.

He is an active member of the JET Alumni Association of New York where he has served as the New Jersey subchapter representative and most recently, the JETAANY treasurer. Fernando’s hobbies include learning different languages, perfecting his shodou (Japanese calligraphy) skill (6-dan level), adding recipes to his repertoire of dinner ideas, and enjoys volunteering with kids in the South Bronx. He currently lives in Brooklyn, NY with his wife and 18-month-old son.

Valerie Stewart.jpg

Valerie Stewart, a native of Atlanta, GA, graduated from the University of Georgia, where she majored in International Business.  Her love for Japan started in high school where she first studied Japanese as a participant in the school district's foreign language magnet program. She was fortunate enough to spend a summer as an exchange student in Kawasaki, Japan in high school, as well as an academic year studying Japanese language and culture in Hikone, Shiga Japan during college.  Valerie later worked as an Assistant Language Teacher on the JET Program, where she was placed in Saga Prefecture from 1999-2002. She also taught English in Omura, Nagasaki Prefecture from 2002-2004.

Currently, Valerie works as a Vendor & Marketing Coordinator for John Paul, a global concierge/loyalty company.  She enjoys spending time with her nieces and nephews, travel, and researching her family history.


Yoko Minami is from Fukuoka, Japan and now live in Livingston, Alabama. Yoko is a JOI coordinator who teaches Japanese language and culture at the University of West Alabama.


Spring Elections 2020 - Voting Open


Voting is open! The voting period for open JETAASE officer positions runs through March 12, 2020. To submit your vote, please use the voting ballot available via the link in the email you should have recieved.

Election results will be posted in an upcoming newsletter newsletter.


Platforms received:


Ingrid Galinat

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for considering me as your next JETAA SE President. 

Why am I running as your next JETAA SE President? 

It has been 19 year since I left the JET program, yet my passion for the JET Program and for collaborating with other JET Alumni has not wavered. 

I envision a JETAA SE Alumni program that is inclusive to all the states that incorporate the JETAA SE, and to bring positive new changes to our organization. 

My volunteer experience has been extensive in national volunteers committees with members that incorporate the entire United States and Abroad to chairing a volunteer organization locally. 

My passion for the JET Alumni association, with my volunteer experience would be an asset to the organization. 


Ingrid Galinat has worked in the field of international education for 19 years. Ingrid gives credit to the JET Program for her career trajectory, working with international students and American students that want to study abroad. She was on the JET program in Toyama Prefecture from 2000-2001. In 2019 she co-founded the JET Alabama Sub-chapter, and she co-wrote a proposal and was awarded a grant through the Sasakawa Japanese Peace Foundation USA and USJETAA to present to college students on job opportunities working with Japanese companies in Alabama. Furthermore the grant collaborated with Japan - American Society of Alabama and the Japanese Consulate of Atlanta.  Ingrid lives in Tuscaloosa, Alabama with her husband and three children. 

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Sabrina Cramer

Hi! My name is Sabrina and I'd love to be your new secretary! I spent an amazing year in Gunma Prefecture where I worked at an all-girls high school. As a chemist by trade, after returning from Japan, I worked at a biotech startup in Boston. I became active in the NEJETAA community first by attending JETAA events before moving to representing NEJETAA at various events such as the annual JET Q&A at the Boston Children's Museum and JET Pre-Departure Orientation.

Since moving down to North Carolina to pursue my PhD in chemistry in 2018 (go Tar Heels!), I have continued to take an active role in JETAA as a North Carolina Triangle area chapter lead and Social Media Coordinator. I established our Instagram presence, updated our website, led recruitment events, and attended NatCon (the national convention for JETAA) in Chicago where I was able to get a deeper glimpse into how JETAA functions.

I believe I am a great candidate for secretary due to my excellent eye for detail and organization. If elected as secretary, I want to help build a stable membership for this chapter through better planning, structure and organization. I hope to strengthen ties across the entirety of our chapter in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina by finding realistic ways to engage our community. I look forward to working with our chapter to make it the best it can be! 

Education Chair:

Julia Lattarulo


Julia Lattarulo is a seasoned public speaker who enjoys organizing events and networking between communities. She currently volunteers and helps run the social media platform for the Japan American Society of North Carolina. She was on the JET Program from 2018-2019 in Bunkyo-ku Tokyo where she was an active officer of the TJET Event Committee and ran many successful events, such as her Trivia Nights in Shibuya and the 2019 Masquerade Event in Shinjuku. Since being back in the US, Julia has remained an active part of the Japanese community in North Carolina, received her North Carolina Real Estate License, and has become a manager for one of the local swim teams where she develops informational documents for interested parties and instructional lessons for her coaches. 
Julia hopes to bring a streamlined, fun, and informational presentation to any and all JET Program hopefuls. She understands that the E in JET stands for Exchange and has continued to promote greater understanding of cultural events, public affairs, and educational programs between the two countries.

Q&A Session: 
Julia's main goal is to have a well-rounded informational session in any environment, which addresses the educational program, the unique JET experience, and the difficulties of navigating a new culture and a different way of life. The Q&A session serves a purpose to create an exchange of views and information. To do so, Julia envisions a presentation that is open and interactive, where the audience feels engaged in the information at hand. She also thinks that reaching out and asking future JETs to submit questions they may have prior to the informational sessions may be beneficial to see what concerns them the most about traveling to another country. These questions will then be reviewed, made into an FAQ sheet, and discussed at the informational session.
Julia believes that staying positive, active, and approachable are key qualities to any successful program. These are characteristics she feels she embodies and that would contribute to a successful Educational Chair Officer. 

Spring Elections 2020: Call for Platforms


Have you been thinking about getting more involved in JETAASE, but you’re not sure how? Do you want to make friends, stay connected to your time on JET, and be involved in the Japan community in Southeast? Now is your chance - become an JETAASE Officer!

Self nominations will be due via email by March 6th to jetaase@yahoo.com. Your nomination should include your reason(s) for running and a short self-bio relating to JET and Japan.  Elections will be held March 9th-12th, 2020. JETAASE members will be able to submit ballots during the four day voting period. All JETAASE members will receive a voting form link by email. 

We will be accepting nominations for the following JETAASE positions below: 

·  President

·  Secretary

·  Education Chair

·  Social Chair

Position Descriptions: 


  • The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation, shall have general and active management of the operations of the Corporation, and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried into effect.  If there shall be no Chairman of the Board, the President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.

  • The President shall have the authority and power to execute on behalf of the Corporation bonds, mortgages, notes, contracts, leases and other documents and instruments (whether or not requiring the seal of the Corporation) except where such documents or instruments are required by law to be otherwise signed and executed and except where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Directors to some other officer or agent of the Corporation. 

  • If there shall be no Treasurer, the President shall have the custody of the corporate funds and securities and shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Corporation and shall deposit all moneys and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Corporation in such depositories as will be designated by the Board of Directors.  

  • The President shall disburse the funds of the Corporation as will be ordered by the Board of Directors, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render to the Board of Directors, at its regular meetings, or when the Board of Directors so requires, an account of all transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Corporation.  


  • The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall record the proceedings of such meetings in books to be kept for that purpose and shall perform like duties for any committee of Directors when required.

  • The Secretary shall ensure that the minutes of each meeting of the Board of Directors are distributed to each Director. 

  • The Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings and shall perform such duties as will be prescribed by the Board of Directors or the President. 

  • The Secretary shall have custody of the corporate seal of the Corporation, and shall have authority to affix it to any instrument requiring it, and when so affixed it will be attested by the Secretary's signature.

Social Chair:

  • The Social Chair (in possible conjunction with a Social Committee) plans approximately one event per month, such as Happy Hours, the Returnee Events, and hanami parties.

  • The Social Chair is responsible for maintaining the invite lists and determining how many members are planning to attend.

  • The Social Chair works with the treasurer to make sure that everyone has paid for the event if there is a fee.

Education Chair:

  • The Education Chair plans education-related activities the chapter is involved in, such as Japanese classes, etc.

  • The Education Chair leads JET recruiting activities organized by JETAASE.

Opportunities to Strengthen Japan-Alabama Ties

Summary of Event: Opportunities to Strengthen Japan-Alabama Ties

By Ingrid Galinat

When one thinks of Alabama, the images of sweet tea, BBQ, and college football often come up. Japan-U.S. relations in Alabama are not as well known, though Alabama has well established Japanese sister cities and Japanese companies. It is with that connection in mind that the Opportunities to Strengthen Japan-Alabama Ties took place at the University of Alabama on September 15, 2019. This program let students know about the roles they can take at Japanese companies in the region and abroad in Japan. The event was held in Tuscaloosa, AL and drew 42 participants, the majority of which were university students from six different universities from Alabama and Mississippi.

With the assistance of grant funding from the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA and the U.S. Japan Exchange & Teaching Program Alumni Association (USJETAA), this event brought together representatives from the Alabama business community, Japanese organizations, and university departments to increase students’ understanding of U.S.-Japan relations in Alabama and possible future opportunities for jobs related to Japan in the region.

The event began with opening remarks by Joy Champaloux of Sasakawa USA, Raven Mckenzie of University of Alabama and the Japan Exchange & Teaching Program Alumni Association of Southeast (JETAASE) Alabama sub-chapter, and Jolie Thevenot, Executive Director, Japan-America Society of Alabama (JASA). The keynote address by Honorary Consul of Japan, Mark Jackson covered the U.S.-Japan ties and contributions in the state of Alabama. Mr. Jackson elaborated on the Japanese-Alabama ties decades before World War II and the strong business connections Japanese companies have in Alabama. 

The first panel discussion was on perspectives about working with Japanese companies in the United States. On the panel was Trevin Dye, Assistant Director of International Business Development at Japan External trade organization (JETRO) Atlanta, Charlene Butler, Associate Relations team with Honda Manufacturing of Alabama, and Mark Jackson, Honorary Consul of Japan and CEO of Moreson ConferencingThe panel discussed in detail of the importance of working with Japanese companies in Alabama and Georgia and concreate steps to apply for positions in Japanese companies. 

The final panel discussion was on opportunities to gain international experience in Japan. On the panel, Raven McKenzie, Co-founder of the JETAASE Alabama sub-chapter, Melissa Takeuchi, Special Assistant at the Consulate General of Japan in Atlanta, Valerie Stewart, Treasurer, JETAASE and Vendor and Marketing coordinator at John Paul and Jolie Thevenot, Executive Director, Japan-American Society of Alabama. The panel discussed the impact of studying and working in Japan and how that experience influenced them in their current careers.

Both panels led interactive sessions on how to work for a Japanese company in Alabama and in the USA and how to study abroad and work in Japan after university. The program concluded with a short Japanese business Etiquette demonstration by Yoko Minami, Japanese Outreach and Initiative coordinator at the University of West Alabama followed by a light meal and networking.

The event was organized by co-leaders Ingrid Galinat and Raven McKenzie of the JETAASE Alabama Sub-chapter, along with Jolie Thevenot, the Executive Director of JASA. The Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA and the U.S. Japan Exchange & Teaching Program Alumni Association (USJETAA) funded this program.

3rd Annual JETAA-SBI Hanami Picnic

Ready for some sakura? Join us for the 3rd annual JETAA and Southern Bridge International hanami picnic!

Meet other JET alumni and Japanese expat families in the Triangle while enjoying a natsukashii picnic under the sakura. 

And we have an exciting addition to this year's picnic thanks to the generosity of the Consulate General of Japan - Atlanta! We're working with Kidokinetics to have a lively undokai (aka sports day) as part of the festivities. Relive your glory days on the Japanese school yard with relay races, dancing, and more!

Please email sbi@southernbridgeintl.org with how many people will be joining you at the hanami. We'll be using this headcount when planning the undokai activities and also for providing drinks and snacks (we recommend packing a lunch to bring as well).

Saturday, March 25 at 11 AM - 2 PM

Sears Farm Road Park, 5077 Sears Farm Rd, Cary, NC 27519



JETAASE Officer Nominations & Elections

JETAASE is having its biannual officer elections this year. All JETAASE members are eligible to run for open positions. Whether or not you're interested in running, please carefully read and follow the election process as described below.

Available Positions


  • The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall record the proceedings of such meetings in books to be kept for that purpose and shall perform like duties for any committee of Directors when required.
  • The Secretary shall ensure that the minutes of each meeting of the Board of Directors are distributed to each Director. 
  • The Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings and shall perform such duties as will be prescribed by the Board of Directors or the President. 
  • The Secretary shall have custody of the corporate seal of the Corporation, and shall have authority to affix it to any instrument requiring it, and when so affixed it will be attested by the Secretary's signature.


  • The Treasurer shall have the custody of the corporate funds and securities and shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to JETAASE and shall deposit all moneys and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of JETAASE in such depositories as will be designated by the board.
  • The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of JETAASE as will be ordered by the board, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render to the President and the board, at its regular meetings, or when the board so requires, an account of all transactions as treasurer and of the financial condition of JETAASE.
  • The Treasurer shall regularly review the financial policies and procedures of JETAASE with the board.

Social Chair:

  • The Social Chair (in possible conjunction with a Social Committee) plans approximately one event per month, such as Happy Hours, the Returnee Events, and hanami parties.
  • The Social Chair is responsible for maintaining the invite lists and determining how many members are planning to attend.
  • The Social Chair works with the treasurer to make sure that everyone has paid for the event if there is a fee.

Education Chair:

  • The Education Chair plans education-related activities the chapter is involved in, such as Japanese classes, etc.
  • The Education Chair leads JET recruiting activities organized by JETAASE.

Timeline of Election Process:

February 27th, 2017: Self nominations will be due via email to jetaase@yahoo.com. Your nomination should include your reason(s) for running and a short self-bio relating to JET and Japan.  

March 6th-8th, 2017: JETAASE members will be able to submit ballots during the three day voting period. All JETAASE members will receive a voting form link by email.  

The election results will be posted in a future JETAASE newsletter.

Alabama Representative and Event Planners Needed:

JETAASE is looking for a subchapter representative for Alabama. If you are interested in this position or would like more information, please contact us.

* Serve as the main point-of-contact for the Alabama sub-chapter

* Plan and implement activities in a specific geographic area of Alabama;

* Communicate with JETAASE members in Alabama and with the JETAASE Executive Committee

* Participate in leadership activities with the JETAASE Executive Committee

* Request reimbursement for approved expenditures in a timely manner

* Submit information for required activity reports as needed

For those who are not interested in being an officer, we are seeking members who can assist the board with event planning. If you are interested in championing and planning a JETAASE event, please contact us. You do NOT need to be residing in the metro Atlanta area to plan an event! 

2016 JETAA Regional Conference - February 26th Nijikai

Join the 2016 Regional Conference Delegates at the Nijikai on Friday, February 26th at the Georgia Aquarium. We will arrive at 8:15pm. Hope to see you there!

Friday Night Nijikai @The Georgia Aquarium

JETAASE has set up a fabulous event to visit the Georgia Aquarium after hours while enjoying cocktails, tapas and entertainment.

In order to attend this event you MUST pre-pay by MONDAY 2/22 at 5pm EST.  Click here to register.  

Professional & Career Development Seminar

The Japan-America Society of Georgia, JET Alumni Association of the Southeast (JETAASE), and Pasona NA, Inc. present a professional & career development seminar to explore the key elements of career planning and achieving your professional goals in the Japan-America field. This event also features a panel discussion by representatives from Japanese and American companies who will discuss advice and suggestions on landing your dream job and advancing your career. ジョージア日米協会ではJETAASE とPASONA NA, Inc.の協賛で、日本と米国における求職者の皆様の就職プランや 目的達成への基本事項に関する就職セミナーを行います。日米企業の代表者による求職のアドバイスや仕事の昇進に関してのパネル・ディスカッションも開催されます。
Date & time: 2015-10-23 15:00


Baker Donelson, Monarch Plaza, 3414 Peachtree Rd, NE #1600, Atlanta, GA 30305