Time: 1pm - 4pm (check-in starts at 12:30pm)
Location: Sarah P. Duke Gardens (426 Anderson St., Durham)
Cost: $40/person in advance
New Years is an especially spiritual time of the year for Japanese. In order to celebrate and share in the spirit of this event, we will hold a traditional Japanese New Year's Celebration, called a "Shin-nen-Kai" among the members of the Japan-related Organizations of the Triangle Area.
We plan to include elements of traditional customs and rituals that signify the Japanese New Year. Food will be served in a buffet style.
Register by January 11th, by email to triangle_nippon_club@yahoo.com or phone 919-787-6233 (Rocky Iwashima). To volunteer, contact us at triangle_nippon_club@yahoo.com.
For more information, please visit TriangleJapanClub.org.